"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give" We are measured as a manager by what we produce. We are judged as a leader by what we give."..Winston Churchill
Life flows through us, and we simply play our role. Our real job is to serve all the constituencies in our life and, in the process, to appreciate genuinely the fact that only through our interdependence with others do we create value. the more we serve and appreciate thers, the more we co-operatively generate value-added contribution. As leaders, if we live for ourselves, we will have only ourselves for support. If we live for our organisation, we will have people for support. If we live for the world, the whole universe will support usl serve with purpose and you will marshal far-reaching resources.
A friend of mine had been seeking an opportunity to teach her son about the value of service and giving. The opportunity presented itself after the young boy's birthday party as he prepared to devour one of his gifts: a multi-layered box of cholocates. approaching her son, my friend asked, "Are you happy with this gift?" Wild-eyed, he immediately responded, "Oh, Yes!" My friend probed, "What would make you even happier?" her son had no idea what could possibly add to his joy. His mother then said, "If you gave someone else a chocolate, they would be as happy as you are, and you could feel even happier." The young boy hesitated for a minute. Then, he said, "Let's go see grandma at the nursing home." Off they went to the nursing home. When the child saw the joy on his grandmother's face and felt how it multiplied his joy, he was hooked. Before he left the nursing home, the entire box was gone, and the boy learned the power and joy of service.
Understand that some of us are fortunate to have this particular role. Appreciate it: then let your talents and gifts come forth.
"Service is the virtue that distinguished the great of all times and which they will be remembered by. It places a mark of nobility upon its desciples. It is the dividing line which separeates the two great groups of the world- those who help and those who hinder, those who lift and those who lean, those who contribute and those who only consume. How much better it is to give thatn to receive.
Service in any form is comely and beautiful. To give encouragement, to impart sympathy, to show interest, to banish gear, to build self-confidence and awaken hope in the heart of others, in short: to love them and to show it... is to render the most precious service.
One of the many beauties of Islam is that it is a way of life that corresponds with a human being's natural disposition in every aspect of life. Amongst these things that a human naturally feels is mercy and compassion for the sick. Hence, Islam has placed a great deal of emphasis on bringing these qualities into our lives. The Holy Prophet stated in one hadith: “Show compassion to those on earth, the One in the heavens will show mercy upon you.”
Visiting the sick is from amongst those responsibilities and duties that a Muslim must fulfil. Imam Bukhari has transmitted a hadith in his Sahih from Sayyidina Abu Huraira May Allah be pleased with him that our beloved Prophet Peace and blessings upon him said: “The rights of one Muslim over another Muslim are six.” Someone asked, “What are they?” The Holy Prophet Peace and blessings upon him replied, “When you meet him you greet him with salaam (peace), when he invites you, you accept his invitation, when he consults you in a matter, you give him sincere advice. When he sneezes and praises Allah, you ask Allah to have mercy on him. When he is sick, you visit him and when he passes away you accompany him i.e. you join in his jenazah (funeral).”
These actions create love of bonding within the Muslims. Furthermore, the Muslims in essence are like one body as mentioned in an authentic narration of Rasulullah Peace and blessings upon him. If one part of the body hurts the entire body hurts. Our consolation will not take away the sickness from our Muslim brother or sister, but it may lift his spirits and make him happy.